“Everything you want is on the other side of fear”

Here at CATS we believe in the importance of facing uncertainty and fear. Whatever your anxiety is telling you to avoid, we want you to approach. Through systematic and gradual exposures we teach you that you can tolerate your greatest fears. We also learn that:

  • Anxiety isn’t dangerous! By completing exposures, we learn that feeling anxious doesn’t always mean we are in danger.

  • Anxiety and fear won’t last forever, even if we resist engaging in any self-soothing behaviors.

  • The more we approach the things that make us fearful, the better able we are to tolerate the anxiety and fear. This is called habituation.

In addition to facing your fears, CBT treatment helps a patient to gain new perspectives and insights. It may help a patient process guilt and shame associated with a trauma, modify an unhelpful thinking pattern, or develop a new feeling of mastery and control. Treatment is tailored to each individual and their unique goals.